Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 24 - August 29 R-E-L-A-X - It's the Keys

It's hard to believe today is our last day off of this trip.  Cowden's went to Duval Street to pick up a few items they spotted last night when we were there.  They also stopped by the post office and picked up flat rate boxes for all of us.  Laundry is always a priority on our days off and I headed to the nearby laundromat to throw in a couple of loads. When I returned I worked on the blog. Torrey and Alan laid low and hung out at the B&B.

When Cowdens' returned we all started packing the boxes with items we'd decided we could finish the ride without.  The walk to the post office felt longer than it was due to the weight and awkwardness of the boxes and the high humidity.  On the way there we saw the Key West Lighthouse, walked past Ernest Hemmingway's home and ran across a number of roosters that freely roam the island.  Thankfully the walk home was easier as we were free from the load.

Pool time was next on the agenda and it was great weather for it.  It hadn't rained over night and when it has rained here, it only lasts a few minutes.  Although on the way back from the post office there was a downpour that lasted about 10 minutes.  Which was just long enough to get everything wet.

In the early evening we headed toward the Square for dinner and then the Sunset Party.  Our sunset pics were interrupted by the clouds that filled the sky. 

The community party was still fun.  It was an easy stroll back to the room where preparations for the morning started.

Total Miles traveled today: 0 on the bikes.  We walked enough to get our step count goals for the day
Time to travel that distance: all day
Total Cumulative miles: 8517.2 still
Tomorrow: Back on the bikes, North and West

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Torrey and Nicki:
    Yes,It's summer time and the living is E-A-S-Y,down in the keys,that community party looks like a lot of fun; Jimmy Buffett,wrote a book that mentions the Key West Light House and it's easy to understand how Hemmingway was inspired by the tranquility of the keys to write the way he did.
    More timeless pictures of the sea meeting,that's fantastic.

    Safe travels to all.
